TPB X Moom Super Greens
Meet Super Greens (Caffeinated) —the ultimate greens powder designed to support detoxification, digestion, immunity, and radiant skin (plus added energy through 100% natural caffeine). Created in collaboration with The Paper Bunny, Super Greens has you covered with your daily dose of fruits, vegetables, antioxidants, and digestive enzymes, to support you from the inside, out.
Gift on us: Receive a complimentary It Starts From Within Thermal Bottle with purchase of any two items from this collection, while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply.
- This item is only available for orders within Singapore, Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Thailand and Malaysia. All purchases for Super Greens are final and are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.
- Customers who placed pre-orders for Super Greens can expect their orders to ship out from 11 October 2024 onwards and receive them within 2-4 business days.
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